Battle of the Bulge WWII 21st Army Group General Situation Report

Taken from the 21 Army Group General Situation Dec 16, 1994
General Situation

…. The enemy is in a bad way; he has had a tremendous battering and has lost heavily in men and equipment. On no account can we relax, or have a “stand still”, in the winter months; it is vital that we keep going, so as not to allow him time to recover and so as to wear down his strength still further. There will be difficulties caused by mud, cold, lack of air support during periods of bad weather, and so on. But we must continue to fight the enemy hard during the winter months….

To see the entire report - click here.

More than 600,000 soldiers and airmen fought in the Battle of the Bulge with over 19,000 Killed in Action. This number does not include the thousands wounded, Missing in Action, and captured.

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